Monday, November 3, 2008

When there is a block.

Dumbledore..Dumbledore...Watson,Watson...Topse..edike aai. Trees,birds,,art....God damn everything..what to write...
Well welcome to writers' block. Well I am facing one!!! I don't know what to write about?
Thus I decided to write about this block itself.
Well why this actually happens I also don't know. But suddenly you don't have any original ideas,or just have it no ideas at all. They vanish into thin air. You rack your head and yet nothing happens.
I tried everything,deep breathing,meditation and yet nothing hit me. Frustrated,I tried to copy ideas,and event that failed miserably.
When there are ideas everything seems to have a life of their own,but when this strange disease creeps in everuthing suddenly becomes limp,numb.
Hours after hours I sat in front of the screen,trying to come up with some topic,but my mind seems to have had mastered the art of saying no.
What,what,what,what...I cried. Nothing nothing nothing..screamed back my brain.
It had been hours,I couldn't find.
And then I knew ,yes I knew what to write..well of course the block itself.

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